- Condition monitoring to pave the way for autonomous vessels
- Condition monitoring to improve operational efficiency
- Serving the needs of a wide variety of products and operating conditions.
- Creating a big data platform as a means to these ends
Key Takeaways
– The benefits of a platform approach to condition monitoring
– Using knowledge of equipment service history to determine reliability and leveraging this for predictive maintenance.
– How Machine Learning can be leveraged to bring experts into the loop efficiently.
– Closing the loop with the vessel by interfacing with the vessel Maintenance Management System.
Speaker Bio
Are Folkestad is a data scientist in Kongsberg Maritime. His focus is using analytics to provide insight into vessel operation and equipment health, and working with a large variety of sensor data to build algorithms and setting up data pipelines for energy management and equipment health monitoring services. Before joining the maritime industry seven years ago, he has worked with data analytics in different Norwegian research institutes and holds a PhD with a thesis on using machine learning for satellite image processing.
Stage 1 | Applied Data-Driven Maintenance
Program Day 2, Are Folkestad – Data Scientist | Kongsberg Maritime