Insights what it takes and what works to become Data and AI Ready (DAIR) – A strategic, middle manager and operational perspective.

The presentation will explore:

– The strategic and tactical challenges to become DAIR for a legacy asset intensive enterprise.
– What works, how to design the journey and the key building blocks (innovation capital, structure capital and human capital) to be put in place along the journey to become Data and AI Ready.


Speaker Bio

Henrik is a founder of Dairdux, a professional crowdsourced corporate training company that helps organisation with Data and AI readiness. Prior to founding Dairdux, Henrik has been working for 7 years at Vattenfall in different management positions such as Group Data & Analytics Transformation Lead, Head of Group Financial Systems and Head of BI and Lead Development Management – Europe. Henrik has an international consulting background based out of Stockholm and Sydney. He is part of the Digitization Advisory Board, for European Utility Week, and an advisor for the Energy Blockchain startup company called WePower. in his spare time Henrik is running a VLOG “From Data to Value” on youtube to grow Data/AI literacy among Executives and Middle managers.

May 24 @ 09:00
09:00 — 09:30 (30′)


 Program Day 2, Henrik Göthberg – Founder | Dairdux