In this session, we will facilitate a conversation on pitfalls and learnings from identifying, developing and scaling analytics in industrial settings. Arundo will start by setting the premise and sharing our experience, whereafter we will invite the participants to add, share and challenge with their own experiences. Arundo will capture and share highlights from the session in a written note to those attending.

Key Takeaways

  • How far is the industry truly in implementing valuable, scalable analytics?
  • What seems to be preventing faster progress?
  • What are the current learnings that we should embrace (as practitioners, decision-makers and solution developers)?


Be ready to engage, challenge and share your own experiences.


Speaker Bio

Martin joined Arundo Anayltics in January 2018 and is globally responsible for developing relationships with strategic industrial partners. Martin spent almost two decades working with digital strategies at McKinsey. He is absolutely passionate about data science but is equally skeptic and disillusioned about how and when to use it. Martin has an M.Sc. from Linköping (LiTH) and Zürich (ETH-Z) in Computer Science and Industrial Management and Engineering.

May 23 @ 10:30
10:30 — 12:00 (1h 30′)

Stage 2 | Analytics Modelling and Innovation

 Program Day 1, Martin Lundqvist – Vice President Strategic Partnerships | Arundo Analytics